Export Graphics depending on SytemModelGroup

Export Graphics depending on SytemModelGroup

Every item in Zenon can be connected to a SystemModelGroup.
I already have code to export screens, functions and more which are connected to the SystemModelGroup  "Customized".
But it seems, that I can not do that for graphics and symbols.
Here is example-code out of my application. Besides of the lines commented out it is working fine.
There is no GetDynamicProperty for Graphics.
Is there a possibility to get the SystemModelGroup of a graphic file?
  1. #region Graphics
  2. //11_Graphics anlegen
  3. strPath = Path.Combine(strExportPfad, "11_Graphics");

  4. if (Directory.Exists(strPath))
  5. {
  6. }
  7. else
  8. {
  9.     Directory.CreateDirectory(strPath);
  10. }
  11. ////Graphics exportieren.
  12. for(int i=0; i < prj.FileManagement.GetFolder(FolderPath.Graphics).FileCount;i++)
  13. {
  14.     String strZwischenspeicher;
  15.     //strZwischenspeicher = prj.FileManagement.GetFolder(FolderPath.Graphics).GetFileItem(i).GetDynamicProperty("SystemModelGroup.SystemModelGroup").ToString();

  16.     //if (strZwischenspeicher.Equals("Customized"))
  17.     //{
  18. strFilePath1 = Path.Combine(prj.Path, "zenon");
  19. strFilePath1 = Path.Combine(strFilePath1, "custom");
  20. strFilePath1 = Path.Combine(strFilePath1, prj.FileManagement.GetFolder(FolderPath.Graphics).Name);
  21. strFilePath1 = Path.Combine(strFilePath1, prj.FileManagement.GetFolder(FolderPath.Graphics).GetFileItem(i).Name);
  22. strFilePath2 = Path.Combine(strPath, prj.FileManagement.GetFolder(FolderPath.Graphics).GetFileItem(i).Name);
  23. File.Copy(strFilePath1, strFilePath2);
  24.     //}
  25. }
  26. #endregion