Error with function structure member.

Error with function structure member.

Hello, Iam programming with the IDE Straton. Iam trying to use 2 structure parameter, one 'IN' and one 'OUT'. The types of the structures are the same ACCE_QUALITY. ACCE_QUALITY : - validity : BYTE - detailQual : ACCE_DETAIL_Q - source : BYTE - test : BOOL - operatorBlocked : BOOL ACCE_DETAIL_Q : - overflow : BOOL - outOfRange : BOOL - ... But when I compiled my function i have this error : Loading application symbols... quality_in: Invalid parameter declaration: complex data types not supported Opt.: Requires option 'Complex variables in separate segment' quality_out: Invalid parameter declaration: complex data types not supported Opt.: Requires option 'Complex variables in separate segment' So I Try with the option 'Complex variables in separate segment' and i have a other error : Build in progress... Please Wait... Compiler V15.4.2.0 >> Complex variables stored in a separate segment Loading application symbols... : quality_out (gestion_mode_in): Invalid type for structure member Error(s) detected I dont know how to resolve this problem. I found a patch but i dont like that : I use 2 'IN' parameter, and i only modify the second 'IN' as if a 'OUT', but is not a good solution... Please help me pls. Arpa

This is a migrated post! Originally posted on 31.08.2017 by user Arpazak. Please be aware that information can be outdated.