Error while giving open command ti the RTU IEC 608710 104 Protocol

Error while giving open command ti the RTU IEC 608710 104 Protocol

Hello Team,
I am not able to send open command to the RTU in IEC 60870 protocol from the SCADA. I am able to send the close command though.
I tried the same thing using a IEC 104 simulator and I was able to send both the commands open and close.
While trying to send open command from SCADA I am getting the following error in Diag viewer. And following error in RTU (Screenshot attached for both)

Please suggest what could be the issue.
Its a double point command.
T46 is the point type.

This is a migrated post! Originally posted on 27.08.2018 by user joelprasad. Please be aware that information can be outdated.