Dynamic text on structured variable

Dynamic text on structured variable

in dynamic text limit how to set index of structured variable?

For example, if I have:
test[1], test[2], test[3],… where value of variable is string which represents device name
alarm[1], alarm[2], alarm[3]… where value of variable is alarm status

On each alarm[index] I have several Limit Values and I want to indicate value of test[index] in AML.
I expect result like:
"Alarm A1 activated on: Channel1" where string "Channel1" is value in test[1] variable
"Alarm A1 activated on: Channel2" where string "Channel2" is value in test[2] variable
"Alarm A2 activated on: Channel3" where string "Channel3" is value in test[3] variable

Now I have set it like this: $Alarm A1 activated on: ;%test [1] but to set all indexes I wrote add-in (several thousand variables so manual work is not possible).

So what is elegant way to get correct index without programing, so for alarm[55] to get test[55]?
Elegant way would enable using REMA because I have several more statuses that are index related.

Thanks in advance.

This is a migrated post! Originally posted on 19.12.2021 by user gogi. Please be aware that information can be outdated.