Creating variables in Scada addin.

Creating variables in Scada addin.

Hi, I've been trying to create an intern variable using Scada addin
I'm VariableCollection Create method like this:

IVariableCollection myVariables = context.VariableCollection;

IDataType myDatatype = context.DataTypeCollection["BOOL"]; // type of a variable I want to create

IDriver myDriver = context.DriverCollection[6]; // index of a driver in which I want to create a variable

myVariables.Create(bit_name, myDriver, ChannelType....., myDatatype);

so far I was able to figure out everything except What is a ChannelType and which one to use when creating internal variable.

Thanks in advance!

This is a migrated post! Originally posted on 19.12.2019 by user lsimas3. Please be aware that information can be outdated.