Command Processing with USINT data type from a DNP3.0TG driver

Command Processing with USINT data type from a DNP3.0TG driver


I would like to ask on how I would configure command processing for Close/Trip command of a breaker.

From the zenon energy edition training that I attended, they have used IEC61850 driver and BOOL data type.

Right now, the controller of the breaker we are using only accepts Trip (value = 129) and CLOSE (value = 65) since it only works on USINT data type.

Will there be any difference on how to configure the command processing? Because I noticed that on the Action node of the Command Group the command value available only is 1 and 0 for ON and OFF respectively.

Please advise.


This is a migrated post! Originally posted on 12.06.2019 by user randyvalino. Please be aware that information can be outdated.