change Linecolor or Fillcolor of a status defination (representationpropertie) with VBA

change Linecolor or Fillcolor of a status defination (representationpropertie) with VBA


Is it possible to change the Fillcolor or LineColor of a Status definition via VBA.

We have some baytype symbols and the onlything what is different is the color. (10kV/25kV150kV) each voltage have own color.
My Idea is to reduce the number of symbols. The color will be changed (VBA) when the display is called. for example one display for 50kV one for 25kV
The line colors is no problem we can export the color property. but with representation of symbol from library it looks that it is not possible.

any ideas ??

Thanks in advance

This is a migrated post! Originally posted on 08.03.2017 by user Joulzer. Please be aware that information can be outdated.