Adding varibales to Zenon-Editor very slow

Adding varibales to Zenon-Editor very slow

I have written a c# application which reads variable definitions from an excel sheet and create those structures in Zenon over an open Zenon-Editor. To say it straight forward - not the best solution to recommend customers to add variables to a zenon project this way as it is very, very slow!!
I have investigated this very slow behaviour a little bit deeper...
1. Are there any ways to open more than one zenon editor programmatically so that every opened zenon editor will use different cpu cores? Or is the zenon editor stricted only to work with the first cpu core????
2. I have programmed the Export functions that way, that they run parallel. This raised performance until the first core reached 100%. Process balancing was not possible right now as I only have one zenon editor open...
3. Inserting those variables directly into the zenon projects SQL Server database raises the performance dramatically! But - does this have any known negative impacts on using those created variables in the project???
Do you have other recommendations to raise the performance of inserting new variables to zenon?
Thanks in advance.

This is a migrated post! Originally posted on 28.03.2015 by user nollh. Please be aware that information can be outdated.