AD Comparison UserLevel and UserGroupLevel in clent side for validation access

AD Comparison UserLevel and UserGroupLevel in clent side for validation access


I use Active Directory in projects. In global project I have few user groups, and have no users. List of users, feeds directly from AD. And I use events in service.

How to check if logged AD user have access for clicked button either not? Action executes before logging in window open and login

With help of api I may get:
but I can't get user of AD context.UserAdministration.GetUser(context.UserAdministration.LoggedInUserName);
And it is normal, cos I suppose that method takes only created in the project users.

How to check authorization level for logged, Active Directory user? Or to which group he belongs

This is a migrated post! Originally posted on 20.04.2022 by user Oleksandr. Please be aware that information can be outdated.