Access to project settings > file storage field "Online help"

Access to project settings > file storage field "Online help"


in Zenon 10 the SCADA Addin Framework allows reading and writing into the "File storage" window that exists under each project's properties > General in the "Name/Folder" section.

Almost all the folder fields are writeable in C# code by this syntax: 

  1. myProject.SetFolderPath(FolderPath.GraphicDeprecated, "myFolder");
  2. myProject.SetFolderPath(FolderPath.Export, "myFolder");
  3. myProject.SetFolderPath(FolderPath.AllocationDeprecated, "myFolder");
  4. myProject.SetFolderPath(FolderPath.ArchiveReadBack, "myFolder");
  5. myProject.SetFolderPath(FolderPath.EvacuatedArchives, "myFolder");
However I can't seem to find a way to write into the "Online help" field. If I provide the  enum Scada.AddIn.Contracts.FolderPath.Help as an attribute to myProject.SetFolderPath (or myProject.GetFolderPath) it directs to a different place. None of the FolderPath enums return/write into the mentioned field. 

Is there any way to access this field? (Without modifying the project.ini, because that seems to require to reload the project to change in Zenon 10.) 

Thank you.