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An error occurred when getting the variable value of String type.
I create '[Network] Current Primary Server' of SYSDRV in Zenon10 Editor and check the value with 'GetValue()' , i will see the value '-2147483638'. Is there another way to get the value of a String type variable?
How can I execute a "Project wizardExtension" add-in in a saparate thread so the runtime doesn't freeze during execution? (C#)
Hi, I have a fully functional add-in but it freezes the runtime everytime it runs because It's runing in the same thread as the runtime. I just wanted to know if It's possible to run it in a separate thread, but I couldn't make any method work.
Error: zenDBSrv.exe
I have problem: DBCLI:Error OpenConnection GetProjectInfo failed GUID:64ab51f3-29b1-4d13-b6c4-1f774de4b605! Please check is zenDBSrv.exe is running or is the Project existing? DBCLI:Error OpenConnection GetProjectState Error GUID: 64ab51f3-29b1-4d13-b6c4-1f774de4b605
Number of Tag's when using smart objects
Is it correct that when I use a smart object template with for instance 50 IEC61850 signals and create a smartobject with this template and link it with the 50 IES850 signals from a specific feeder that i use 100 tag's per feeder? Steps taken: Number
driver with ID '1000027' is unknown!
I'm using the Zenon demo project for creating a template for a new project but whenever I open the project even without any variable in the project ,attached error messages raise. How can I get rid of these?
Pie chart
Is there any workaround to configure pie chart instead of using wpf
Variable and function in integration project
Hi all, I have integration project. but my variable and function not working if i put the variable and function in the sub project. But when the function and variable at the main project everything is working fine. How do i solve this issue. Thanks
Source Column in AML and CEL
Hello, I would like to know how to add "source" column in AML and CEL. My purpose is to show the source device (e.g. RTU, IED, Gateway) of the incoming signals which is communicating with Zenon via a communication protocol (e.g. OPC-UA, IEC 104, IEC 61850)
Message control - free message text
Hello, I would like to work on message that is sent by zenon. Is there any chance to insert for example: "End of line" sign or other signs that will help me to keep my message easier to read? How should I do it?
OPC UA Process Gateway Reverse Connectivity
Hi, We are using OPC UA process gateway to communicate with our customer information management system. the customer is looking for the possibility of reverse communication from our gateway to his system we tried to find information in documentation but
Alarm/Event Class Color
Hello, As far as I can see in Zenon 11; a new "Use status-dependent text/background colors" option is added for "alarm/event class color" setting in the AML which I found it very useful! (See AML.jpg) However; same option is not added to CEL. (See CEL.jpg)
Cleared Alarms in AML
Hello, I would like to ask something about AML with regards to cleared alarms. When an alarm is cleared; I want to see the "Value" column is changed from "1" to "0" within the existing row. As far as I can see; there 2 possibilities in Zenon at the moment:
Replace Index Variable in Screen switch function using VBA
Greetings, I’m writing code to create functions with VBA. While creation of RT function is successful, I’m getting an error while replacing Index Variable in Screen switch function. Please note that Zenon version is 8.20 I’m following this example from
Volume Slider
Hi experts, Can we change the universal slider style similar with windows control volume slider or any workaround we can achieve this?. Attach is the sample of the image for the slider. Thanks
custom allocation of Screens to monitor on service engine
Hi, on my project the customer is asking on the possibility for the operator to affect screen to different monitors depending of the need. i wonder if it possible to have movable ,resizable frames and if the screen size can adjust automatically. Regards,
SQLDRV variablias to historian
I have a problem with historian. I managed to connect successfully zenon with sql database through "RECIEVE" and "SEND" tables. The thing i missed is that if there is new entry in table with different timestamp , but same value "On change" historian does
WPF Zenon 11
Hi Dear support I would like to ask you about advice.. Exist any example how to create wpf to Zenon version 11 because i found old manuals ( Zenon 7.20 etc but it looks another than new Zenon version) Additionally i found your account in Github but the
Zenon Remote Desktop in Zenon 11
Hi, I would like to ask is there any properties for Zenon Remote Desktop in Zenon 11?
Multiple web clients starting on same machine.
Hello, Wondering if there is option to open few web clients on same machine ? there is enough licenses for that . Working on 8.00 version . At the moment it seems that those client start conflicting, and does not update any values on neither of clie
Install customized features Zenon 11
I'm trying to install only ServiceEngine_Feature in WlEdgeServices workload using powershell. The problem I'm dealing with is I can only select the workload ID which comes with other features I don't need. Is there any API/Command I can use ?
Need to Modify/Delete Audit trail entry
Hello COPADATA, I want to delete an existing CEL entry in CEL List, Is there any possibilities to do it. (As we know , CEL/Audit list is securely logs all user actions, value changes, logins, logout, password changes, and many more as per the configurations.)
Filter screen text not visable
I have an issue with the filter screen in my project: As you can see the text has dissapeard from the screen. Same workspace but different project i have: So over here it displays without a problem. What could be the cause of this? Is this a syle/color
Berechtungsebene VBA zenon 11
Hallo zusammen, wie ermittle ich die Berechtungsebene eines Benutzers via VBA? Mit: UserEbene = thisProject.Passwords.ItemUser(thisProject.Passwords.LoggedUser).level funktioniert es nicht mehr (unter 7.10 schon). Danke! Gruß Martin
Listbox scrolling issue
I have a faceplate in Zenon editor and inside this screen, I have listbox. While the problem is when i am scrolling the screen Listbox also scroll. For further detail please review the attachment picture. How can I adjust the minimal size of the Listbox
Latched Variable (RS flip-flop similarity)
Hi, Is it possible to define limit value to be latched once received and become reset when the related Alarm has been acknowledged without getting into script or function?
Command Processing Screen
Can I use element inside the Command processing screen and still using command processing group/action? Like if I want to add more dynamic objects inside the command screen that is not available in the elements (command processing tab), and still using
zenOn 5.50 SP6 driver
Dear community, We have a old zenOn 5.50 project (HMI and PLC) that we like to rebuild. How can we find out what PLC or Bus driver is needed and what the communication settings are? We found following entry in ZENON.INI [SYS_REMOTE] CONFIG=DEVICE=TCP/IP;TIMEOUT=10;
Web Server Fehler
Wir verwenden (noch) die Zenon Version 8.1 und beim Webserver kommt es sehr häufig vor, dass der Aufruf von Ganglinien oder Meldebüchern mit der Fehlermeldung "The Server hast reported an Error....." abgebrochen wird und man wieder auf die Einstiegsseite
How to differentiate signal Identification / description from Smart Objects in AML / CEL table
Hi all, I have 1 Smart Object Template (Circuit Breaker) with Variable "ST" - Identification = Description "Status" with event (Reaction Matrix) "Close, Open" , and about other 40 variables with event like that Then I have 2 Smart Object from that: CB1
Zenon 10.0 OPC UA Client in Zenon Logic
Is it possible to connect to a OPC UA Server from within Zenon Logic? I only see a OPC DA Client.
Connect in ReportViewer zenon database + sql
Hi dear support, I have tried use in rdl report two datasource. Zenon xml and it works, but exist any way to add additionally second datasource - sql server? because when i add datasource connect with sql server the report in Runtime reportviewer does
SQL Express and SQL Standard Evaluation upon installation
hi all, I am noticed that if i installed the zenon engineering studio, it package with the sql express version. I also noticed that if i installed only service engine and reporting, it also package with sql standard evaluation. I understand the purpose
Report Viewer - other data sources
Hello! I am trying to create a report - kind of delivery note which contains process data as well as data coming from external sources such as SQL server. In the MS Report Builder I was able to add the datasource and the respective data sets (and also
Hi, Is The Zenon capable of serving as a syslog server and is it feasible for the Event messages window to receive syslog messages?
CEL cumulative export
Hello! In accordance to my customer specification, event list to be stored in dedicated location with following parameters: -One *.txt file per day must be created, continuously updated and stored with the daily schedule (e.g: 20100201.txt) - The storage
how we can perform a color change when circuit breaker ON/OFF condition
hay am using a Zenon energy edition i take a on screen Circuit breaker symbol i want to try change color when input high. when CB on green light when CB OFF condition Red Light please suggest me
sql user "zenonSrv" does not exist
Hi, zendbsrv is not running therefore or starting and stopping the next moment. Because of SQL -Server connection is not available. Actually the related service are running. The problem is with the user login of user: zenonsrv. The zendb.ini looks like
Substitute Proccess data (FC=ST) by Manual Substitution (FC=SV)
Dear Mr./Mrs. in your documentation for IEC850 driver, describe how to substitute a value, but you refer to "HMI documentation that i can't find it". i wrote the description in your document, it is ambiguous . IEC850 Driver doc. Please define the variable
Report Enable, COT0 and COT1 status bit for variables
Dear Mr./Mrs. I hope have a good time and answer my question quickly!,. I define IEC850 drivers for P442, P643, P642, F650 and P14NB protection relays. For F650s and P14NB relays when report are enables, you see the status bit of all variables are COT0
Sending Goose from HMI
Is there a step by step description on how to send Goose messages from the HMI to the IED's? I want to send an emergency stop, behind a button on my HMI screen, to all my IED's to open all the breakers of the substation. I assume it is possible with a
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