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Error message in Zenon Logic
Hi, I'm facing an issue in Zenon Logic section. An error Message is appeared while compiling the zenon logic showing FB: Too many variables declared. I m not able to indentify the issue. How to solve this issue. My license has unlimited variables. still
3 Frames 1 Screen
I have three different frame sizes with the same zoomable content screen: Frame 1: 1920 x 1080 Frame 2: 3840 x 1080 Frame 3: 7680 x 1080 Is this possible? What is the best way to achieve this?
Zenon Redundancy
Greetings, Long time since my last post. I need all sections within Zenon (V11) documentation about redundancy. I have 2 servers with Logic drivers working on both. Server 1 (primary) > at normal conditions, the Logic drivers should be active and running.
Internetcheck BuildUpdates
Is there an option (like /silent) in the Zenon BuildUpdates (v14) to disable internet checks? These checks delay the start of the BuildUpdates by 15-20 minutes, which is really bad for productive environments that are not connected to the internet.
Zenon 7.50 Build Update error Root Certificate not installed
The Zenon build update we are trying to install gives us the error below saying the root certificate is not installed. What does this mean? Why are we getting this error on the HMIs? We did not get this error when we installed the build on the serve
Zenon Logic: Gateway configuration
The gateway configuration (IEC 61850 TO IEC 104) in Zenon Logic was already set up. Recently, due to a malfunctioning IED, a new IED was installed, and the old variables on the gateway were replaced with new ones. While most variables compiled successfully,
Change Frame Size
I am trying to dynamically change the frame size in my SCADA project. One of the solutions I attempted is using an add-in with the following code: namespace AddInProjectService1 { /// <summary> /// Description of Project Service Extension. /// </summary>
Data Pulling With same PLC different Data type
Hello. I have an issue, i have a case an PLC have Coil status for breaker ON, OFF and trip and Also they have power meter in Holding register. I try configure different Variables, different Driver but same IP and Device ID. but the result when i start
Support for AML AND CEL
Greetings all, I'm looking for your support . 1, when the value reach the limit but there is nothing showing on AML. it has shown on the CEL screen. i have activated alarm message list AML acivated nothing on AML screen 2, The second thing is i want to
Service Engine takes an unusually long time to load the project and log in for the first time
Dear COPA-DATA Support Team, I am currently using Engineering Studio and Service Engine with an official license key from COPA-DATA. I am facing an issue where Service Engine takes an unusually long time to load the project and log in for the first time.
OPC UA Alarms & Conditions
Hi, according to the driver documentation, Zenon 14 supports Alarms & Conditions for OPC UA. I tried to follow the steps in the documentation and I am getting the proper json string on the event notifier variable as configured with the select clauses
Issue with Uninstalling Zenon Software
Greetings, I’m encountering difficulties with uninstalling the Zenon software. I have versions 8.20, 10, and 14 installed, but I’m unable to uninstall any of them. For versions 8.20 and 10, I receive the following notification: As for Zenon 14, I am unable
Edição de Alarmes Krones Zenon 6.22
Como é realizada a edição de alarmes pela Krones no Zenon 6.22 ?
Leading Zero
Hi, I've read this forum post from a while back and was wondering where the option to enable leading zero's is located. Can't seem to find it in the manuals / online help.
Ieee c37.118 pdc
Hi Team, Could zenon can act as a IEEE C37.118 PDC? If yes could you share examples how this can be achieved in zenon straton logic ? Thanks Sarav This is a migrated post! Originally posted on 03.08.2021 by user saravanan1985. Please be aware that information
I need a way to rollback a command that came from command processing due to a timeout.
I have a breaker that has been tripped. Someone mistakenly issues a close breaker command. The command times out. Now that command has already been written to the protective relay and when the 86 switch is reset the break executes the close unexpectedly.
System error: -2147024786
I installed v14 by mistake, I mean, it was not the version we need to perform my job. Then I uninstall it and try to install v12 but it showed that error during Engineering Studio install. I'm running W10 Pro 22H2 on a virtual machine VBox V7.1.4 and
Substation HMI
Hi I'm working on project which consist of 4 physical buildings interconnected , and considred to be One Logical Substation, the client needs a local HMI in every building and SCADA HMI at the control room which contains the overall substation, the confusion:
Automation Script Logic Studio
I want to create an Automation Script but it appears to me that I don't have that option available. How can I get the option available to me? I've attached picture of how the Help looks and then my logic studio.
Process Gateway Command Execution with Select Routing
Hello, I am using Zenon Version 14, Energy Edition and experiencing an issue when executing commands via the Process Gateway. I am transferring the data of IEDs communicated via IEC 61850 to upper-level users using the 104 protocol in the Process Gateway.
RGM duplicate recipe with initial status
Hi all. what is the best way to duplicate recipe with initial status?! Example: initial status of recipe 1-In progress then change it to 2 - Approved Now is there some generic function to duplicate it or create new version with same values but with initial
WPF element
Hi Could anyone advice where can download more WPF elements for using in Zenon? Please advise if where can get the resources. if possible please share the WPF bar type Thank you.
Manage Smart Object Templates for different projects
Hi, I have the same smart object that I use in three projects. The projects are subordinate to an integration project. I use a global project for central management. I can create a smart object template in this global project, but I can't instantiate
Support for MTP v2.0
Hello, i am working on a project where different vendors will provide MTP files for the integration in the POL. Now the topic of MTP v2.0 and questions about compatibility came up. So my question is, does Zenon already support MTP v2.0 and is there anything
Replace Faceplate container screen using function
Hi! I have setup a Faceplate screen with 10 superimposed containers, thats because I manage their visibility with a variable (if var = 1 show container 1, if var = 2 show container 2) due to the proyect increasing its size I want avoid using so much containers,
Issue with 'Start continuous tone' function
Hello everyone, I need to enable an alarm sound in a zenon project; however, it can´t play the wav file properly after the execution of “Start continuous tone” function. I expected it can play the selected wav file, but I only hear the Windows default
How to replace Variable from Write/Set Function Dynamically?
Hi! As the title sais I want to know if there is a way to use the same function in diferent buttons to write on diferent varaibles. This is because I have a control array of 50 elements and I want to avoid using 50 functions that only changes the destination
importing multiple XML files for embedded variables
For normal Variables I have a powershell code that combines all the variables I want to import into a single xml and it works great but when I try to do the same for embedded variables, it only imports the first variable(with its embedded variables) and
Error message while creating service engine file
while creating the service engine file Im receiving below mentioned error . But run time is working , still this error message is coming. How to eliminate this error.
What does zenNetSrv do?
Hello, I’m hoping to get some clarification regarding the mentioned service. While I understand it’s used for network communication, I’m a bit confused about what determines how much system resource it requires. For example, when I create a test project,
Issue with Report Engine Installation
While Installing Report Engine in zenon 12, its shows till the installtion of files as "31sec remaining" and pop ups a error saying "Failed to open XML fie C:\Program Fies Microsoft SQL. Server 2019 Reporting Servces\SSRS \ReportServer\web cortig, system
How to use VBA to Trigger Control Element
Hi all, I have an "Extended Trends" screen which has a Button that triggers a "Screen type specific action" > Export displayed data... This open a "Save as..." screen to export the file. But, i can't have a Windows screen showing up over Zenon, so I thought
Bar Chart Design Question
Ive attached an image, I want to know if something like the image is possible. I want a bar that displays different colors over the duration of the day for when a machine ran slow or stopped or ran good. I'm using version 8.20
Using webview2 in zenon10
I just upgraded my Zenon 10 to version 348998 to be able to use Webview2. The instructions to use it refer to zenon6.ini where there should be a section [browser] this is however missing in the ini file. Appart from this setting is there anay other action
Comtrade File Viewer WPF
Hello friends. Please could someone give me a current link to download the Comtrade file viewer, I can't find it in the download area of the Copa Data page. Thank you.
what can i do with a *.hbf file (project backup to USB)
can anyone assist please...what can i do with a *.hbf file (project backup to USB) This is a migrated post! Originally posted on 15.03.2019 by user diggers. Please be aware that information can be outdated.
Z8.20 Combielement Zustandstext Kombination aus freiem Text und Variableninfo
Ich habe gerade versucht bei einem Combielement bei den Zustandstexten eine Kombination aus den Variableninformationen, genauer gesagt einen Teil der Kennung, und einem freien Text zu erstellen. Leider habe ich hier keinen richtigen erfolg. Ist das Möglich
RGM Combo box
Hello all. Is it possible to disable to use keyboard when click on RGM COMBO BOX? Operator should click anywhere on the field and to open drop down box. We try to disable option Focus is set to the element Now it's focused but not open drop down box,
OPC UA Server Process gateway
Hello, I am able to send the data via OPC-UA process gateway. now i have considered the Loop back IP but if i need to send the data via specific IP that IP will be different from the Server IP where i can configure that IP in the startup tool
Linking rule - target
Hello everyone, I have a question about dynamic linking rule in screens. This is linking rule for symbol: but i only received variables values for inv_01 (in range inv_01 - inv_20) I have variable that contains current inv in view (e.x. inv_17) how can
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